» Stilman Products and Services

STILMAN uses a customized solution process that is a flexible, three-stage project:

1. Defining the Problem
2. Modeling & Mapping
3. Implementing the LG Engine

» Defining the Problem to Solve

The first step in the process is to design a field of play where the LG Engine can operate most effectively. STILMAN's team of scientists & engineers are trained to know what our technology can and can’t do, but we won’t presume to know what our clients do or don’t need. In other words, we know our business, and our clients’ know theirs. By engaging our respective experts in productive dialogue, we form a partnership to assess and define the specific problem the LG Engine will tackle.

Once target problem has been defined, we will begin to identify specific requirements for the field of play. This entails answering a State Space Survey, which is a thorough set of questions to determine the required aspects of the problem to be modeled. For instance, we must know the size and shape of the field of action, the stakeholders and competitors, the goals each entity is striving to accomplish, and the rules of action within the system.

The “role” of the LG Engine is also defined. Since LG finds the best strategies for all the entities and sides within the Competitive Complex System, it can serve multiple roles as an advisor or controller, depending on the needs of the client.

The LG Advisor can be used to supplement the decision-making power of its users with suggestions on how to impact the Competitive Complex System. The Advisor can also be useful as a training engine or strategic coach to compare actions between decision-makers and the engine.

The LG Controller is another option. This gives the LG Engine full control over one or more entities or stakeholders within the Complex Competitive System. By enabling the Controller, users can compete against a strategic genius. This option is especially useful for multi-stakeholder simulations, where scores of users can work together against the LG Engine.

» Modeling and Mapping

Once the problem(s) have been defined, STILMAN's team of scientists and engineers create the application module to meet the requirements statement. This formal design and development process turns the Competitive Complex System into a data “map” that the LG Engine recognizes through the use of optimization algorithms and other tools.

» Implementing the LG Engine

During the completion of the application module, we attach the module to the LG Engine Server to test and further optimize the results. This stage is where the rapid-prototype is implemented in the client's environment. The LG Engine can run multiple, independent scenarios with different start states, or it can be used continuously to monitor, advise, or control real-world, dynamically updated scenarios. Normally, full deployment is the responsibility of the client, with STILMAN providing technical support as needed.