The following is the list of practical software products, prototypes or
research projects which are presently being developed employing the Linguistic Geometry methodology.
Real-Time Fire Vehicles Routing. It is
currently being
converted into a commercial product from Lockheed Martin for the city of Denver intended to replace the existing software for fire vehicles routing. The prototype of this program was de
monstrated at NASA Goddard Conference on Space Applications of Artificial Intelligence, NASA, Greenbelt, MD, USA., May 1995.
Multi-Robot Cooperation and Optimal Path Planning for Intelligent Manufacturing.. A simulation software prototype under development at the University of Colorado at Denver, USA.. This prototype requires to implement two layers of th
e Hierarchy of Languages.
A Prototype Software for Control of Manned and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. (guided by the satellite based sensors) in order to detect mobile adversarial missile launchers and destroy them. It is currently being developed at Phillips Laborator
y, Albuquerque, NM, USA..
Next Generation of Factory Planning and Scheduling Algorithms. is being developed at the University of Colorado at Denver, USA.. Funded by the Colorado Advanced Software Institute (CASI), CTA Corporation, and ARPA. This is an area for t
he application of the Linguistic Geometry tools, the set of problems without explicit opposing agents and mobile units.
Safety Critical Control Systems. for Cruise Missiles, Planetary Exploration Vehicles, National Missile Defense (with threat and countermeasure assessments), Space Combat, and others, is currently being considered at Sandia National Laborato
ries, Albuquerque, NM, USA..
A Methodology and a Prototype Tools for the Development of the High Integrity Software.. It is based on Multiagent Strategic Game Approach to parallel software processes. A set of tools should provide an automated and/or computer-assisted gene
ration of the mathematically proved software beginning from specifications through the whole software life cycle (including maintenance). It is currently being developed at Sandia National Laboratories, USA.
Generic Prototype . The purpose of the project is to develop a generic software Prototype of the full scale Linguistic Geometry Tools. This Prototype will be tuned to the specific problem domain to generate applica
tions. Initially it is intended to generate software for the class of pursuit-evasion robot control problems. Specifically, the Prototype will be tested on concurrent multiagent robotic systems. It is currently being considered at the St. Petersburg Stat
e University, St. Petersburg, Russia..
The following development of Linguistic Geometry will benefit a variety of applied and theoretical areas including strategic planning and automatic control of intelligent concurrent autonomous multiagent systems, functioning in hazardous dynamic environme
nt, different non-military control and planning systems.